Ceremony Options
I offer two ceremony styles. Personal & Unique my most popular choice. I work with you to create your own special and unique ceremony. The Legals with a View option I includes all legal requirements (just like going to the registry office) except you can choose your location and I add a small personal touch. The marriages I celebrate tend to be in locations around Bright, Harrietville, Mount Hotham, Dinner Plain & Omeo (or somewhere in between). Below is a general outline of the two ceremony options. Please get in touch so we can discuss and chat about your ceremony, the specifics and from that information I can provide you with a quote
No obligation initial catch-up – This can be done in person or over the phone
Secondary catch up to start the process
I create and write a persona and unique ceremony just for you
Guidance and support writing your vows (optiona)
Unlimited phone/email communication leading up to the ceremony (even another catch-up if we need)
Completion and lodgement of all paperwork and legal marriage documentation with the appropriate organisation within the required time frame
Rehearsal (optional)
Full use of my PA system for the ceremony. Bluetooth is available for playing any music you would like during the Ceremony.
Signing table and chairs
Certificate of Marriage
Meeting to complete all legal paperwork
A Ceremony that includes all the legal elements, with a small personal touch included.
Guidance and support writing your vows (optional)
Completion and lodgement of all paperwork and legal marriage documentation with the appropriate organisation within the required time frame
Certificate of Marriage
Choose your ceremony location
Personal & Unique
Legal with a view